In those times artificial oils had not been introduced, and
hence it is, I suppose, that we find no mention made of them
by Cato; at the present day the varieties are very numerous.
We will first speak of those[1] which are produced from trees,
and among them more particularly the wild olive.[2] This
olive is small, and much more bitter than the cultivated one,
and hence its oil is only used in medicinal preparations: the
oil that bears the closest resemblance to it is that extracted
from the chamelæa,[3] a shrub which grows among the rocks,
and not more than a palm in height; the leaves and berries
being similar to those of the wild olive. A third oil is that
made of the fruit of the cicus,[4] a tree which grows in Egypt
in great abundance; by some it is known as croton, by others
as sili, and by others, again, as wild sesamumn: it is not so very
long since this tree was first introduced here. In Spain, too,
it shoots up with great rapidity to the size of the olive-tree,
having a stem like that of the ferula, the leaf of the vine,
and a seed that bears a resemblance to a small pale grape.
Our people are in the habit of calling it "ricinus,"[5] from the
resemblance of the seed to that insect. It is boiled in water,[6]
and the oil that swims on the surface is then skimmed off:
but in Egypt, where it grows in a greater abundance, the oil is
extracted without employing either fire or water for the purpose, the seed being first sprinkled with salt, and then subjected to pressure: eaten with food this oil is repulsive, but it
is very useful for burning in lamps.
Amygdalinum, by some persons known as "metopium,"[7]
is made of bitter almonds dried and beaten into a cake, after
which they are steeped in water, and then beaten again. An
oil is extracted from the laurel also, with the aid of olive oil.
Some persons use the berries only for this purpose, while
others, again, employ the leaves[8] and the outer skin of the
berries: some add storax also, and other odoriferous substances. The best kind for this purpose is the broad-leaved or
wild laurel,[9] with a black berry. The oil, too, of the black
myrtle is of a similar nature; that with the broad leaf[10] is
reckoned also the best. The berries are first sprinkled with
warm water, and then beaten, after which they are boiled:
some persons take the more tender leaves, and boil them in
olive oil, and then subject them to pressure, while others, again,
steep them in oil, and leave the mixture to ripen in the sun.
The same method is also adopted with the cultivated myrtle,
but the wild variety with small berries is generally preferred;
by some it is known as the oxymyrsine, by others as the chamæmyrsine, and by others, again, as the acoron,[11] from its
strong resemblance to that plant, it being short and branching.
An oil is made, too, from the citrus,[12] and from the cypress;
also, from the walnut,[13] and known by the name of "caryinon,"[14] and from the fruit of the cedar, being generally
known as "pisselæon."[15] Oil is extracted from the grain of
Cnidos,[16] the seed being first thoroughly cleaned, and then
pounded; and from mastich[17] also. As to the oil called
"cyprinum,"[18] and that extracted from the Egyptian[19] berry,
we have already mentioned the mode in which they are prepared as perfumes. The Indians, too, are said to extract oils
from the chesnut,[20] sesamum, and rice,[21] and the Ichthyophagi[22] from fish. Scarcity of oil for the supply of lamps
sometimes compels us to make it from the berries[23] of the planetree, which are first steeped in salt and water.
Œnanthinum,[24] again, is made from the œnanthe, as we have
already stated when speaking of perfumes. In making gleucinum,[25] must is boiled with olive-oil at a slow heat; some
persons, however, do not employ fire in making it, but leave a
vessel, filled with oil and must, surrounded with grape husks,
for two and twenty days, taking care to stir it twice a day:
by the end of that period the whole of the must is imbibed
by the oil. Some persons mix with this not only sampsuchum, but perfumes of still greater price: that, too, which is
used in the gymnasia is scented with perfumes as well, but
those of the very lowest quality. Oils are made, too, from aspalathus,[26] from calamus,[27] balsamum,[28] cardamum,[29] melilot,
Gallic nard, panax,[30] sampsuchum,[31] helenium, and root of
cinnamomum,[32] the plants being first left to steep in oil, and
then pressed. In a similar manner, too, rhodinum[33] is made
from roses, and juncinum from the sweet rush, bearing a remarkable[34] resemblance to rose-oil: other oils, again, are extracted
from henbane,[35] lupines,[36] and narcissus. Great quantities of
oil are made in Egypt, too, of radish[37] seed, or else of a
common grass known there as chortinon.[38] Sesamum[39] also
yields an oil, and so does the nettle,[40] its oil being known as
"enidinum."[41] In other countries, too, an oil is extracted
from lilies[42] left to steep in the open air, and subjected to the
influence of the sun, moon, and frosts. On the borders of
Cappadocia and Galatia, they make an oil from the herbs of
the country, known as "Selgicum,"[43] remarkably useful for
strengthening the tendons, similar, in fact, to that of Iguvium[44]
in Italy. From pitch an oil[45] is extracted, that is known as
pissinum;" it is made by boiling the pitch, and spreading
fleeces over the vessels to catch the steam, and then wringing them out: the most approved kind is that which comes
from Bruttium, the pitch of that country being remarkably
rich and resinous: the colour of this oil is yellow.
There is an oil that grows spontaneously in the maritime
parts of Syria, known to us as "elæomeli;"[46] it is an unctuous
substance which distils from certain trees, of a thicker consistency than honey, but somewhat thinner than resin; it has a
sweet flavour, and is employed for medicinal purposes. Old
olive oil[47] is of use for some kinds of maladies; it is thought to
be particularly useful, too, in the preservation of ivory from
decay:[48] at all events, the statue of Saturn, at Rome, is filled
with oil in the interior.
1. It may be remarked, that in this Chapter Pliny totally confounds
fixed oils, volatile oils, and medicinal oils. Those in the list which he here
gives, and which are not otherwise noticed in the Notes, may be considered
to belong to this last class.
2. The oleaster furnishes but little oil, and it is seldom extracted. The
oil is thinner than ordinary olive oil, and has a stronger odour.
3. The Daphne Centrum and Daphne Cilium of botanists. See B.
xiii. c. 35, also 1. xliv. c. 82. Fée doubts if an oil was ever made from
the chamelæa.
4. See B. xxiii. c. 41: the Ricinus communis of Linnæus, which
abounds in Egypt at the present day. Though it appears to have been
formerly sometimes used for the table, at the present day the oil is only
known as "castor" oil, a strong purgative. It is one of the fixed oils. The
Jews and Abyssinian Christians say that it was under this tree that Jonah
5. A "tick."
6. This method, Fée says, is still pursued in America.
7. See B. xiii. c. 2. One of the fixed oils.
8. An essential oil may be extracted from either; it is of acrid taste,
green, and aromatic; but does not seem to have been known to the an-
cients. The berries give by decoction a fixed oil, of green colour, sweet,
and odoriferous. The oils in general here spoken of by Pliny as extracted
from the laurel, are medicinal oils.
9. The Laurus latifolia of Bauhin.
10. The Myrtus latifolia Romana of Bauhin. It yields an essential oil,
and by its decoction might give a fixed oil, in small quantity, but very
odoriferous. As boiled with olive oil, he treats it as a volatile oil.
11. See B. xxv. c. 100. This myrtle is the Ruscus aculeatus of Linnæus.
12. See B. xiii. c. 29, and B xxiii. c. 45. A volatile oil might be extracted from the citrus, if one of the thuypæ, as also from the cypress.
13. See B. xxiii. c. 45. It is a fixed oil, still considerably used in some
parts of Europe.
14. From the Greek karu/a, a "walnut."
15. "Pitch oil." See B. xxiv. c. 11. This would be a volatile oil.
16. See B. xxiii. c. 45, also B. xiii. c. 35. Fée is of opinion, that as no
fixed oil can be extracted from the Daphne Cnidium or Daphne Cneoruni,
Pliny must allude to a medicinal composition, like the oil of wild myrtle,
previously mentioned.
17. A fixed oil. See B. xii. c. 36. The seeds were used for making it.
See B. xxiii. c. 45.
18. See B. xii. c. 51, and B. xxiii. c. 45. The leaves of the Lawsonia
are very odoriferous.
19. The myrobalanus, or ben. See B. xii. c. 46, and B. xxiii. c. 46.
20. Neither the chesnut nor rice produce any kind of fixed oil.
21. See B. xvii. c. 13.
22. Or Fish-eaters. See B. xxxii. c. 38. This is one of the fixed oils.
23. In reality, no fixed oil can be obtained from them.
24. Or wild vine. See B. xii. c. 61, and B. xiii. c. 2.
25. Not an oil, so much as a medicinal preparation. Dioscorides mentions
as component parts of it, omphacium, sweet rush, Celtic nard, aspalathus,
costus, and must. It received its name from gleu=kos, "must."
26. The Convolvulus scoparius of Linnæus. See B. xii. c. 52, and B. xiii.
c. 2.
27. See B. xii. c. 95.
28. See B. xii. c. 54, and B. xiii. c. 2.
29. See B. xii. c. 29.
30. See B. xii. c. 57.
31. See B. xiii. c. 2, p. 163.
32. See B. xii. c. 41.
33. See B. xiii. c. 2.
34. Fée doubts the possibility of such a resemblance.
35. Hyoseyamus. A medicinal oil is still extracted from it. See B. xxiii.
c. 49.
36. This medicinal oil is no longer used. The Lupinus albus was formerly
held in greater esteem than it is now.
37. The Raphanus sativus of Linnæus. See B. xix. c. 26. This is one
of the fixed oils; varieties of it are rape oil, and colza oil, now so extensively used.
38. From the Greek xo/rtos,, "grass." This medicinal oil would be totally without power or effect.
39. A fixed oil is still extracted in Egypt from the grain known as sesamum.
40. See B. xxii. c. 15.
41. From kni/dh, a "nettle." The nettle, or Urtica urens of Linnæus, has
no oleaginous principles in its seed.
42. Lily oil is still used as a medicinal composition: it is made from the
petals of the white lily, Lilium candidum of Linnæus.
43. From Selga, a town of Pisidia. See B. xxiii. c. 49.
44. See B. iii. c. 9, and B. xxiii. c. 49.
45. A volatile oil, mixed with a small proportion of empyreumatic oil and
46. "Oil-honey." Probably a terebinthine, or oleo-resin. See B. xxiii.
c. 50.
47. When rancid and oxygenized by age, it has an irritating quality, and
may be found useful for herpetic diseases.
48. It very probably will have this effect; but at the expense of the colour
of the ivory, which very soon will turn yellow.